Digitization and Company 4.0
4.0 Industry or fourth industrial revolultion leads to revolutionize the manufacturing, production and management industry thanks to the Internet of Things (IOT), cloud computing, data integration and technology advances at production and manufacturing systems. Industry or Company 4.0, keeps a constant flow of information exchange, with their clients, providers, processes and their departments. It grows the company value and improves its efficiency.

During this internal digitization process, every company should get benefit from technology, using this, persons can give their very best. Strategy, design, processes management, customer experience and business analysis, are key areas where persons can produce value for their clients and their own companies.
At Paellasoft, app development agency, we elaborate the strategy according to the sector requirements, we cooperate with our clients, advising, counselling to get the maximum profit from the oportunities and develop a 4.0 custom solution.