The deployment of new technologies, and specially the use of Apps are a new indispensable tool for the health.
Whether through Gadgets, Monitoring, Reminders, or Instructions provided by the health professionals. Giving Health support or giving to the patients the capability of tracking their own health, the software that boosts health will have a major role in a near future.
We work to provide to the systems the best Security, Robusness, Stability, and they all fulfill the RGPD. We have found in some projecs a really high levels of demand because:
1/ They were mecial studies with real clinical tests with patients.
2/ They were personal medical data.
3/ Besides, Most of this data was from kids and teenagers witch demands us a higher security level and above all that, the awareness in the way of collect the data and work with it.
Connecting Health professionals to make cooperations between them that change the life boosting the medicine progress, health and LIFE.
In PaellaSoft we have a big experience developing apps for the health field.